TOP Investment Portfolio EX4Energy, Inc.
Hardware & Material

EX4Energy, Inc.

CEO, Takeshi Ito
Realizing a Carbon-Neutral World by "Connecting"


DER (Distributed Energy Resources), including solar power generation, storage batteries, and EV chargers, need to be linked to an aggregator's monitoring and control system to effectively integrate them into the electricity grid. The challenge arises from the variety of protocols employed in these systems and devices, leading to considerable complexity for aggregators during the connection process.
EX4Energy offers interconnection solutions for energy equipment using diverse protocols through the Public Power HUB, an information and communication infrastructure rooted in technology developed at the University of Tokyo.


The founder, boasting an extensive consulting history within the electric power sector, co-founded the company in collaboration with IoT-EX, a firm renowned for its IoT and communications prowess. This partnership aims to realize the "Public Power HUB," integrating technologies affiliated with the University of Tokyo.


Leveraging a core technology concept rooted in the University of Tokyo, EX4Energy is poised to advance energy services within distributed power systems. This progress will be achieved by harnessing the "operational design capabilities" and "industry expertise" of our management team, comprised of energy and IoT experts.

3F, Kanda Business Cube, 5-1, Tomiyama-chou, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan


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